Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Peace Vigil #10, Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I didn't make the Vigil this day. I was on business in Duluth helping a friend. But there were 14 people out on the corner with their signs. The weather had been warm, near 80 degrees on Monday, But Tuesday found it much cooler, closer to 50 degrees, and the North West wind made it feel quite chilly.

No pictures were taken, so I have none to show you. Barb was there and other regulars, Mark and Marc, David and Marsha, Pat, Kaleen and her two friends. A few new ones as well. Folks that have been talking about coming that made it. Colene from Washburn. A delightful Elder named June. Curtis, a friend of mine. All in all, growing numbers and the spirit is taking hold.

Later this week, another letter that was published. Here is the letter:

Young people need to act

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

— The Declaration of Independence

These are the founding words of our nation; a declaration of independence written by the founders of this country. These words have since been forgotten, but not by everyone. Here in Ashland, a small yet fiery group of citizens, of patriots, come together every Tuesday afternoon, and voice their message. It is a simple message, a message of peace, an end to war. The message may be small but it is great, few can argue or protest against it, for peace is a beacon for common ground.

As a local of this area and part of the youth population, I have observed the seemingly strong voice of my generation. Many of these voices come from Northland College. This would lead to the natural assumption that the majority of these protesters are youth — high school and college students — those who are and will be most effected by the lack of peace on a national and global level. But no, rarely, if ever is there a young person there.

Why is this? Why are our mothers and fathers of the community more vocal and showing more concern for our future than we are? Perhaps it is because our past generation has experienced the victory of protest and the power of their own voice. Maybe they realize the consequence of silence more than we do.

Either way, it is time our generations to join together, it is time for us to take responsibility for our own future, the torch must be passed and the fire must be stoked. The voice of the people must not die. We have seen the power of our local community. We have seen it in Washington; we have seen it in Georgia at the School of Americas, now it is time to see it in our own community. We all have dreamed of peace, and now it is our time to make it real.

Kaeleen Ringberg


I applaud Kaeleen. She is steady and ready to stand with us as we ask for a peaceful world. It was printed in the opinions section of the Ashland Daily Press on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. She is quite a gal and we all appreciate her being there with us on Tuesdays.

All in all, another week, andother vigil. We'll keep them coming. There is a project in the works to "trade" vivits to other protests and vigils like ours and attend those held in other parts of the area and ask that they attend ours. Sort of like hopping from one protest to another. But we're all on the same page, right?

Peace to all. Thanks for your support and for stopping by.


Peacechick Mary said...

"realize the consequence of silence" Powerful words and so true.

Please tell Kaeleen, she has my applause and I predict she will gain fame as a mover of people with her writing.

deuddersun said...

Dam spadoman, you are rally making a difference. You are walking the walk and as you do, others follow.

I commend you and Kaeleen as well, for taking a brave stance against the inhumanities of war.

your brother,
